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DataVault is a secure data-sharing platform which enables you to share documents with a simple link. You can structure and organize your data, set up customized landing pages (= Vaults) for it, define security features such as password protection as well as receive in-depth analytics up to the page level.
From sending proposals to prospective clients over sharing sensitive documents with clients to managing internal workflows. DataVault can be used in various ways. It basically digitalizes your office into a digital, secure and easy to use platform for collaboration inside and outside of your organization.
A Vault is essentially a safe spot for you to store and manage various business resources like PDFs, powerpoints or word files. You can upload multiple documents to a Vault and share them all with a single link on your own branded page. Vaults allow owners to manage documents and individualized permissions.
DataVault is an industry-grade secure platform. It also is compliant with the highest level of data privacy protection regulation globally such as the European GDPR regulation.
You can customize your security settings for each document so that it suits your needs. Require visitors to add an email or access code before they can access the document. You can also require authentication of email addresses or only allow specific emails or domains to access documents. In addition, you are able to set expiration dates and disable downloading.
No, visitors don’t need to sign up for DataVault to access a shared link. The owner of a document may define additional security measures such as email verification for viewing the document, but that depends on the individual link settings.
The duration of a shared link depends on its settings. For each link, you can define an expiration date. Of course, you can always go back and adjust your individual link settings.
You can easily create a company and invite team members to collaborate in one single space. Assign different roles to members to define their level of rights and accesses. You can use the team function to work internally or external collaborators. You want to be part of more than one team? No problem, be part of unlimited teams and switch seamlessly between them.

Right now we offer a starter, professional and premium plan. For more information refer to our pricing page, where you can see which features each tier offers.

14 days. Afterwards you can upgrade to the pricing tier that best suits your needs.

Your storage limit depends on your subscribed plan. On a personal plan, you have up to 10GB of storage per user, on higher plans you receive up to 50GB. If you require more storage, please reach out to us.
In DataVault you can upload data from Google Drive and Dropbox. For login, we integrate with Google and LinkedIn.
All our plans come with customer support, so you can reach out to us for any issue you are facing. Depending on the pricing tier, you can also receive additional benefits. For more information, see the pricing page or contact us directly.